Technology is so cool, man.

I remember getting a mirrorless camera about 10 years ago. It took amazing photos and alright videos, but I never used it as much as I’d wanted to. It was bulky, and most of all it was difficult to ‘really’ learn the intricacies of photography. It was also expensive to buy all the gear and lenses for a proper shoot. While I never invested that heavily into my camera, for a non-professional like me this barrier to entry was too much.

Now, we have smartphones that take amazing photos and videos. But the real killer is that taking awesome, brilliant photos and videos are getting easier and easier by the year. It’s gotten easy to a point where a photography/videography n00b like me, who ran away from my mirrorless, has developed a real passion and interest into videography. It started with my iPhone 11 Pro, and it’s really kicking off with my newly “upgraded” iPhone 13 mini.

Why the mini instead of the Pro line-ups if I’m getting into video making? I have decided that with my “hobbyist” level, the normal line-ups of iPhones are just fine. I chose the mini because I wanted a small phone. Yet, it still kicks butt in taking quality videos. I honestly think the Pro line-up of iPhones are now really professional level, and I don’t need that excess technology and specs; I can make do with my iPhone 13 mini – like this video I made:

Hopefully you liked it! It was all filmed on my iPhone 13 mini and edited on my iPad Pro using LumaFusion.
Even video editing is so easily accessible. It only took me about a day to make this. SO. COOL.

Anyways, I hope to film more and make more videos and share it on my YouTube channel, which is one of my goals for 2022.
Lots of big things waiting for me this year. I can’t wait to get working 😎

Goals for 2022

-[ ] Get my RT paper submitted and accepted SOMEWHERE
-[ ] Graduate by Aug. 2022
-[ ] Find a job
-[ ] Grow a YouTube channel
-[ ] Create a documentary
-[ ] Shave 10kg’s off my body weight
-[ ] Return to ultimate better than ever.